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ghd?iv?styler Was about to speak, to find that middle of the sea snake slowly muster, and pretty soon, as much as a coffin was the arch out. This coffin Heibuliuqiu, only half a meter length, width not Ying Chi, like closing the baby juvenile coffin burial. ghd?online Seeing in secret, could not help but think of the "mystery book " ever seen in a matrix, mind suddenly scared enlightenment, So now we realize that this is not a natural cause snake array, but a large cloth under the master array - Hao Linglong diagonal matrix. That coffin is not closing baby 's juvenile coffin burial, but the town seal semi cloudy spirit coffin corner.

Practice hundred years, two horns, Hao firstborn spirit White Snake, although not really Jackie Chan, but has been trained to have a cavity Dragon Blood, a gentian, a pair of angle and the three dragons dragon tendons, called the half- dragon. Half a millennium was out a long, long hill which seat a half dragon born, then the snake within a radius of a thousand miles will be affected by the orders, the owner of the snake became the king. Half Long before the practice into a real dragon, the snake will be accompanied by all nearby in ghd?MK4 side, absorption ghd?online emit the aura, while the law enforcement and when ghd?online the snakes release smog crowding each other, not the slightest threat of being half-dragon, until ghd?online actually practice when a real dragon.

Array mages find a hill Dong Fu Hao Ling White Snake practice, they lurk waiting outside the cave through the eye in the sky observation hole. Once nike running shoes out of the hole with Purple, is born when the half-dragon, half- dragon from birth within a three hour beginning is the most weak moments in life, the array mages to take this opportunity, in one fell swoop into the cave, use the world to benefit from strong blade beheaded White Snake, sawed ghd?online dragon horn and stripped of its skin draped over his body, in order to avoid the accumulation snakes come. The whole body half-dragon Reiki are all together in this corner of the dragon, the dragon horn array mages this burial within the Millennium wooden coffin, so aura monthly release three days.


